JUNE 16TH 2024
We are grateful for the past but even more committed to the future.
Once a year we provide a special opportunity to go above and beyond in our generosity. At Inspire Liverpool, on Sunday 16th June 2024 we are prayerfully coming together to sow into the Miracle Offering.
This offering is for anyone who calls Inspire Church home and has a desire to contribute financially into building the church.
Discerning God’s will for your Miracle Offering Commitment
The most important decision you or your family will make about this offering will be your own giving commitment.
Here are some steps that people/families have used in the past to decide their contribution.
Give yourself time to hear from God. The more time your give to consider your commitment, the more God will build your faith.
God is more interested in your trust in Him than the amount you commit to give. “Jesus, show me how to give in a way that stretches and builds my faith more than ever before.” The more you sincerely pray this, the more God will show you how you could give more than you first thought. If you’re married, pray together with your spouse.
Obviously, everyone in our church family doesn’t have the ability to give the same amount. God doesn’t expect that. But God does want us to make a genuine sacrifice for Him, which will be different for each of us. If my gift is not a sacrifice, then it doesn’t require any faith. David said, “ I will not sacrifice to the Lord an offering that cost me nothing” 2 Samuel 24:24
If you have children, involve them, It’s an opportunity to teach them generosity and faith.
Read these Bible promises and instructions: Proverbs 3:9-10, Proverbs 11:24-25, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2, 2 Corinthians 8:1-12, 2 Corinthians 9:6-12, Matthew 6:19-20.
There are two ways to give: based on reason and based on revelation. When giving based on reason, we calculate a "reasonable" amount we can afford and commit to giving that. It's a selfless act, but it lacks faith and sacrifice, limiting the potential for miracles.
However, when we give based on revelation, we pray and ask God what He wants to give through us. This type of giving requires faith, as we trust God's promises.
The Bible tells us that God is pleased by such faith-filled giving, like how He honored the people of Macedonia who gave more than they could afford. Through cheerful giving, God not only provides everything we need but also blesses us abundantly so we can continue to be even more generous (2 Corinthians 9:7-8).
Pray this over your giving commitment:
Father, this is a big step for us. We’re asking you to stretch our faith, strengthen our faith, and deepen our faith through this commitment to be generous. We realize that everything we have comes from you. So we make this commitment for four reasons.
First, to express our gratitude for all you’ve provided for us in the past.
Second, to show our desire for you to be first in our lives right now.
Third, to demonstrate our faith in your promises to provide for us in the future as we honour you. And finally, to show our support for our church family in making a difference for eternity.
Thank you for this opportunity to grow in trusting you and thank you for our church family. We pray this campaign will be a great success.
In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Direct Debit
Account Name: Inspire Church Foundation
BSB Number: 082 135
Account Number: 520 204 226
Description: Miracle Offering
Push Pay
Text 'Inspire’ to 0488 202 202 or
Give via the pushpay website and choose
‘Foundation’ as your Giving Type
Miracle Offering Card
Fill out a pledge card that can be found at all our Inspire locations:
On or around your seat in the Main Auditorium
In the foyers
They can be returned in the box at Miracle Offering moment on Sunday 16th June or in any other of the giving points you can access.
Next Step Stand
Our team will be there every Sunday to assist with giving via cash, cheque or EFTPOS